Spooky - Classics IV (ukulele tutorial by MUJ)

1 year ago

Spooky, by Shapiro / Middlebrooks Jr. / Cobb / Buie (Classics IV), 1967; performed/taught here on ukulele by Al & Ro Foster.

Go straight to the ukulele song sheet for this song (full-color with chord charts) here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xtf4p05w3wm3eyvk0v1w5/Spooky-Classics-IV.pdf?rlkey=hrswjg6e07cme78gjy77hsvm8&dl=0

OR go to our "SUMMER OF LOVE (1967) songbook" for 10 songs on this theme, here: LINK-TBD

OR download (for free) dozens of our ukulele songbooks and hundreds of our full-color ukulele song sheets with chord diagrams for this and many other songs at:

If you're near Morristown, NJ, come play with us! Check on upcoming events at:

In the cool of the evenin
when everything is gettin kinda groovy
I call you up and ask you
if you'd like to go with me and see a movie

First you say no - you've got some plans for the night
and then you stop - and say - all right
Love is kinda crazy with a spooky little girl like you

You always keep me guessin
I never seem to know what you are thinkin
And if a fella looks at you
it's for sure your little eye will be a-winkin
I get confused - cuz I don't know where I stand
and then you smile - and hold my hand
Love is kinda crazy with a spooky little girl like you - spooky!


If you decide someday
to stop this little game that you are playin
I'm gonna tell you all the things
my heart's been a-dyin to be sayin

Just like a ghost - you've been a-hauntin' my dreams
so I'll propose - on Halloween
Love is kinda crazy with a spooky little girl like you - spooky!

Spooky - oh whoa, all right
I said spooky - oh yeah yeah
I said spooky

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