King Arthur: Knight's Tale - Rising Eclipse - Official New Season & Patch 2.0 Release Trailer

1 year ago

King Arthur: Knight's Tale's free seasonal update, Rising Eclipse, along with patch 2.0, is available now on Steam. Watch the latest trailer for King Arthur: Knight's Tale to see what to expect with the latest updates for the dark fantasy turn-based tactical RPG, which brings new seasonal bosses, a new seasonal endgame, and more.

Rising Eclipse introduces a brand new seasonal mission chain focusing on the Seelie and Unseelie Courts of Avalon, including new seasonal mechanics as well as a new seasonal building - the Sídhe Shrine - in Camelot.

Additionally, patch 2.0 brings a massive gameplay and quality-of-life overhaul to the base game, including class and character balance changes, extended skill trees, artifact crafting, rebalanced boss fights and maps, new enemy variants, and much more.

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