Planning Board - 12/5/23

9 months ago

Temple Planning Board

Tuesday December 5th, 2023
7:00 pm, Temple Town Hall

Next Planning Board Meeting: Tuesday, December 19th at 7:00pm
Temple Town Hall
Approval of Draft Minutes
November 21st, 2023

Invitation for Public Comment:

Old Business:
1. Application for Minor Subdivision (Pickman/Downes, Colburn Rd, Map 2B Lot 37)
7:10 Hearing Minor Subdivision Application – Pickman/Downes, Colburn Road,
Map 2B Lot 37

7:40 Hearing 2024 Proposed Zoning Amendments

8:10 Hearing 2024 Petition Zoning Amendment

Old Business (continued, as time allows)
2. InvestNH HOP Grant Update
3. Subdivision Regulations – Legal Review Discussion (postponed to next meeting)
4. GIS Mapping Conversion
5. Tax Map Updates (Keith)
6. Natural Resources Regulatory Audit
7. Driveway Regulations (Murray)
8. Site Plan Regulations Audit results
9. NFIP –FEMA Flood Maps

New Business:

Other Business:
1. Filing Project
2. Webinars and Trainings
NH OPD Monthly Planning Lunches At Noon Webinar Series
December 21, 2023: A Review of 2023 Planning & Zoning Legislation and
Preview of 2024 from 12 PM – 1 PM.

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