Thermal Springs, Loutra Edipsos, Evia Island

1 year ago

Explore Edipsos & Beyond

To “Explore Edipsos & Beyond”, one has to start with Loutra Edipsos, also known as Edipsos. The town is a spa resort town located in the northwestern part of the Greek island of Evia/Euboea and it is famous for its hot mineral springs, which flow directly into the sea. More than 80 natural springs of varying temperatures (from 34 – 70 degrees Celsius) are found in Edipsos. The town has a myriad of private and – completely free – public health centres. Furthermore, the town has a rich history. Many people over millennia have found relief for chronic ailments by visiting these baths and the town has attracted famous visitors like Aristotle and Hadrian name a few. More modern times have produced people like Maria Callas, Charlie Chaplin and enumerable politicians and members of royal families.

As a result of the thermal baths, Edipsos is a great place to relax and enjoy the therapeutic benefits of the mineral-rich waters. However, this is not all the town has to offer. Exploring Edipsos & Beyond is a journey that takes you through the heart of Greek culture, food, and architecture. From the charming cafes and family-owned tavernas to the stunning architecture and breathtaking landscapes, there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re seeking a short escape or contemplating a long-term stay, Loutra Edipsos is the perfect starting point for your journey of discovery.


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