1 year ago

Josiah Novak is a fitness force to be reckoned with.

Founder and creator of his fitness coaching community and platform True Transformation he not only talks the talk of fitness but walks it as well.

IAMACOMEBACK has recently partnered with Josiah to build out a fitness vertical within our world based on his wealth of knowledge and expertise.

Today's conversation talks about Alcohol and fitness and how they are truly incompatible.

Alcohol is not a performance-enhancing drug on any level, and if you really do a cost-benefit analysis of it... There are no justifiable health benefits.

If health and fitness are important to you it's time to have a serious conversation about when and where alcohol fits in your life and fitness goals... If at all.

Thank you Josiah for spending time with us and for making a positive impact on the world through your coaching and guidance.


#mindset #motivation #podcast #fitness #alcohol #drinking #highperformance #coaching #fitnessmotivation #performance

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