Day 24 Leg Day Goals & Techniques #Day24Fitness #LegDayGoals #GymTechniques #FitnessJourney

1 year ago

Hello, Kingettes and Kings! Day 24 is a strong day for our legs! I thought about our weekly progress and today's goals before heading to the gym; we're doing great and on track.

🏋‍♂️ Leg Day Analysis:

began with the leg press, paying special attention to a consistent grip and modifying the foot position to target the hamstrings.
went on to leg extensions, emphasizing control and form.
Integrated step-ups highlight the value of bodyweight exercises by enhancing balance and activating stabilizing muscles.
side steps with a band are a true workout that target the weaker, sometimes ignored muscle groups.
Goblet squats are a favorite way to wrap up a workout.
Come along as we explore a variety of exercises and methods to get the most out of your leg day. Let's continue challenging ourselves and exceeding our fitness objectives!

#LegDayGoals #Day24Fitness #GymTechniques #FitnessJourney

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