Unlikely & Undeserving // Pastor Nicole Wilson // Luke 1

1 year ago

God Is In The Business Of Using The Unlikely And Undeserving.

In “Unlikely & Undeserving”, Pastor Nicole talks about Mary, the mother of Jesus, and how she (like us) was an unlikely and undeserving person to receive the greatest gift.

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0:00 - True Joy In A Hard Season
1:30 - Surrendered, Sincere, & Saturated
7:50 - God's Favor Doesn't = Easy Going
9:50 - Respond Based On Faith
12:10 - Her Gratitude Becomes Her Worship
15:33 - Mary Was A Woman Saturated In The Word
18:20 - Unlikely & Undeserving
24:15 - Focus On The Author

Scripture References | NLT Translation:
Luke 1, verses 26-55
Hebrews 11, verse 6
2 Timothy 2, verse 13
Romans 3, verses 23-24

#convochurch #gratitude #nicolewilson #thegreatestgift #church #renonevada #arcchurches #truth

CONVO Church is led by Pastors Craig & Cara Dyson. We exist to lead people in becoming passionate Jesus followers bringing the love, grace, and truth of God into everyday convos, influencing every sphere of life. We are here to Inspire Purpose, Encourage Life, and Build Faith in you.

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