We are the Children of God...

1 year ago

I have with me here the Bible. The Old and New Covenant are here.

The Old Covenant, the Old Testament is for the Jewish chosen people, the physical Jewish chosen people, the progeny of Abraham physically.

And half of this is the New Testament which is for the spiritual progeny of Abraham.
That is where we are today. We are the fruit of the New Testament, fruit of the New Agreement.

The Old Testament is physical while the New Testament is spiritual; the Jewish chosen people remained in the physical, did not accept the spiritual when Jesus Christ came to give it to them.

That spiritual component was not received by them and they even crucified the One who brought them the New Agreement or the New Covenant. That’s why they remained physical.

We are not the physical descendants of Abraham but we are the spiritual one; and because we are the spiritual ones, we are called the real Jew, the real children of God.

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