The State and Capital, the grammar of abstract concepts in Swedish punk rock culture

1 year ago

Duo Lingo episode 6

Staten och Kapitalet, abstrakta begrepps grammatik i svensk punkrockkultur
Varken en låntagare eller långivare vara, lånade ord och obetalda skulder,
Lev och låt leva eller åsikternan är som bakom , delade
Vikten av Utbildning och Förberedelse inför Framtiden
genomsnitt räckte

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My Blog post by Monica from Duo Lingo word list
I've been studying Swedish on duolingo for three weeks now and my self-confidence has been boosted. I have written a blog post with the help of Monica chat gpt, she has written an essay from my word list.

Avsnitt två
Swedish essay Nov 28 2023 trainer in Swedish language
Episode 2 , Duo Lingo intensive Swedish Language crammer.

Avsnitt tre
A grand story about a great sadness or perhaps rather a comedy of Swedish and English puns LO RUBC

Avsnitt fyra
Live and let live or, the opinion is as the behind , divided

Episode 5.
Avsnitt fem
you are caught in a system to sift the chaff from the wheat.
ask a second question. If every problem has a solution, ask those who steer the boat. are we lost or do they know exactly where they are going, Ebba Grön says
"But it's not them who row, who row so sweaty
And the whip that tickles, doesn't tickle either
Their fat necks
Side by side.... Aah aah aaaah aaaaah!"

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