Article 4408 - Our Position on "Indigenous Land Claims" Under Ecclesiastical Law: Pillar Two

9 months ago

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Article 4408 Video - Our Position on "Indigenous Land Claims" Under Ecclesiastical Law: Pillar Two - Friday, October 6, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

As we noted in Pillar One, there is no such thing as "indigenous" versus "non-indigenous" people. There are only the children of Satan, versus the children of Eve.

The children of Satan have been copiously described throughout the Bible -- liars, tricksters, idolaters, thieves, murderers, trespassers, oath-breakers, selfish, unfeeling, disrespectful, lacking natural conscience, controlled (and blackmailing others) by lust, avaricious, deceitful, ruthless, uncaring, war-mongering, poisonous, polluting, unnatural, cowardly, gluttonous, lazy, adulterers, faithless, cruel, cunning and the list goes on.

Except that they put on a good front and pretend to be the exact opposite, this variety of people is not hard to identify, and if we have any doubt, Joshua told us how we were supposed to identify them: by their fruits.

What is the end result of all their activity?

Peace and plenty for all? Brotherhood, kindness, compassion, respect? A thriving healthy planet? Well-cared for animals? Happy children? Loving families?

It's apparent which group has been cracking the whip, and for far too long, given that they lost the contest.

They have only succeeded this long by deceit, treachery, and secrecy, disguising themselves as
"angels of light" and using good people and good institutions as storefronts to hide their evil nature and evil activities.

Thus, even though we have the Ecclesiastical Law and the Natural Law set before us, these Laws have not been followed by those in leadership capacities, with the result that the whole world is in constant turmoil, confusion, and decay.

Indeed, everything is upside down as a result of the activities of these brigands. Even such attempts as have been made to correct the situation, like overturning the "Doctrine of Discovery" have been twisted to serve corruption.

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