Article 4399 Video - My Thoughts on The Wyoming Assembly and All Assemblies By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article 4399 Video - My Thoughts on The Wyoming Assembly and All Assemblies - Wednesday, September 20, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

This particular list of gripes comes from Wyoming and a man deeply indoctrinated into the authoritarian federal dystopia, but it is typical of the same kinds of complaints that periodically appear from similar sources in all State Assemblies countrywide.

So let's just clear the decks and examine these.
Thoughts on the Wyoming Assembly

1. (From Dan Garnett) We no longer have a “State” government, but a Federation one, with Anna as queen and coordinators taking over and running a supposedly state government.

(From Anna) This is profoundly not true and a gross misstatement of what we are doing and facing and what the roles within the American Government are.

The Federation is acting as the responsible Summoning Authority during the assembling process only and is looking forward to the day when we no longer have to nursemaid the State Assemblies and guide them with respect to such basics as what a State Assembly is and how it is organized and how to conduct elections and how to operate viable militias and State Courts.

As this is the first time that the States have assembled in our lifetimes there is no "current knowledge base" available in the States of the Union and everything has to be rebuilt from old records and scratch. Dan Garnett mistakes the entire situation and why things are the way they are right now and is making a gross and unjust botch of interpreting the overall process.

Just Monday night Teri Sahm asked me to go over some history and I explained that "normally" when our American Government is operating full tilt, we have a Federation President who can call the States into Session, and that normally, a quorum of nine (9) States can call the others into Session -- but in this case, the only Summoning Authority left was the Head of State vested in the Federation of States.

Read that --- if this was a normal situation, if we weren't coming out of a decades-long period of dormancy, the Federation of States wouldn't even be involved in bringing the State Assemblies into Session and everyone would already know how to come into Session and how to organize, etc., etc.

As it is, the Federation is imposing basic standards that define what a State Assembly is and how it is structured and how it operates. The Summoning Authority has to do this, or there would be utter chaos, fifty different interpretations of what a State Assembly is, and no way to operate.

So Dan Garnett can just take his nasty suppositions about the role of the Federation (and my personal role) and stick it somewhere. If he has a better answer to the problem of restoring fifty State Governments that have been dormant for longer than any of us have been alive, let's see it.

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