Forced Depopulation Through Vaccines (2009)

9 months ago

Are you ready for what's to come? They are going to come up out from underneath ya'! (Entire armies.) This brings a whole new meaning to monsters underneath the bed. There are full blown cities with massive "deep underground military bases" called DUMBs ready for full blown war and end time extinction. These bases also include human experimentation ORGANIZATIONS. This is all happening right underneath our cities all across Earth; and always has been. There are underground prisons and even underground slaughter houses full of tens of thousands of rows of new age guillotines! The rabit hole goes deeper than you can fathom! Get ready. #TartarianEmpire truth is covering up all their current day 'evil' inner earth activities. My life mission is getting the BOOK Unlocked Mind out to the masses, in VIRAL way! 🙏 A digital copy of the hand made scripture booklet called, "Unlocked Mind" is available on the website: (products link) #Walmart #Tunnels #FlatEarthFightClub #Truth #WakeMasses #DUMBs #War #UnlockedMind #EndTimes #WakeUp #MudFlood #FreeEnergy #Russia #China #Babylon #FEMA #CAMP #FEMACamp #Depopulation #Genocide

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