How to use Magnesium Oil Therapy - Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD

1 year ago

Transdermal magnesium oil is ideal for pain management as well as sports and pediatric medicine.
magnesium oil

There are many different ways of using Magnesium. If it is an emergency situation, you go on and put into IV drip, you can take orally, you can nebulize it, vaporize it right into the lungs which is part of the transdermal treatment, because you are treating the lungs as skinny, as a continuation of skinny, in the interior of the body, you can put it directly on your skin and it is absorbed through the skin you can put all over your body in that way, or Just in some parts of your body if you have a sore leg as those certain paying if you have a restless legs the application will be more favorably on the legs don’t have to do the whole body but when you are very deficiency, and you are treating something like cancer, diabetes, it’s good to get the whole body, the more you put on the body, the longer you leave on the body the more that’s this is going to be absorbed. So, there are many different ways of using it depending on the situation but one of the most intensive ways actually is putting it in the bathtub, you can actually need to use two, three or even four pounds – let’s say three pounds in a full bath and put two or three pounds up to Five pounds of sodium bicarbonate in the bath with it, when you take a hot bath and it is Just a different experience that has to be experienced to be understood, so it is spray it on the body and having somebody in the family or a Professional massage therapist come in and actually use the magnesium oil as a massage oil so you are doubling up, you are getting a wonderful relaxing therapeutic massage with the deep magnesium treatment, and I call that magnesium massage therapy. Doses for the transdermal magnesium therapy how vary depending how you use it, the more you use it, you cannot go in the morning and put an ounce in your body and put your clothes on and go to work. It’s is like coming out of the sea after being in the ocean for a few hours. You are very drippy and solved but if you put a little bit on then you can go back to your business and it depends on how comfortable you are my recommendation for full out transdermal magnesium therapy treatments is to use it about an ounce every day, I mean the massaging in or just putting it all over like some tent screen go out in the sun, get some vitamin D, leave on for 30, 40 up to one hour or longer, there is no time limit and then just take a shower and wash it off.
Actually one of the most beautiful treatments is actually just go down to the ocean if you have warn water, the ocean is full of magnesium and it is reasonably concentrated and you can go, and you can stay out there for half hour, 45 minutes, 1 hour or a few hours and you are getting a massive magnesium treatment. To compete with the ocean concentration, you have to put quite a bit magnesium in the bathtub, putting a half cup is not going to do it, you need to put in a minimum of a Pound just to compete with the ocean you might want to take it up to two, three or four pounds.
In the sodium bicarbonate eBook has a chapter discussing using the oral method with the transdermal combining the two.
We can actually take magnesium and just, and I do this to people all the time, I just take pure magnesium oil and I spray one, two, and three. It is very strong, gives you real felling for what magnesium chloride really is spraying in the mouth like this and swallowing which qualifies for oral care, is very strengthening for the ginger of the guns and also for the teeth. Teeth, the strength of the teeth is not dependent on calcium as much as magnesium. People find out that it is a pretty strong stuff so what you do is you take it and you spray in water. In water it will be, put 5 sprays is a pretty good dose on, personally I use 10 to 15, some people is very much from person to person – How much you put in and if you put 10 to 15 sprays some people in 2 hours later or one hour later will be running to the bathroom, it will loosen the stools are actually get diarrhea. Putting it with water – Five sprays for me is a pretty a weak solution, goes down very easy. If you want to give to children with a grape juice is fantastic or any juice. The Idea when using orally like this, you want to be very sensitive in what’s happening to intestines. It is okay to loosen the intestines but then you know where your maximum dosages and then you cut back.


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