Big Shell - COD Mod Tools Tuesday

Streamed on:

Join me as I live stream while working on recreating Big Shell from Metal Gear Solid 2 - Sons of Liberty using the Black Ops III mod tools for BO3 Custom Zombies on steam. Going briefly overview the models now that I understand how they were messed up and lets to see if we can get start making animation for the harrier.

Background Music is the work of Carl Kasey @WhiteBatAudio
Check out his amazing work!
Plasma (4 Hour Cyberpunk Darksynth Mix)

Export Tools by DTZXPORTER

Blender 2.79

Blender 2.79 Add-On

If you know of better methods or more up to date tools please let me know. This method worked so I stuck with it. Have fun mapping and please share your projects in the comments.

Check out some Other Projects:
Causality (Audio Book) by Convoluted Concepts:

BO3 Custom Zombies Map (Shadow Moses Incident):

bo3 zombies, metal gear solid 2, custom zombies, map creation, jda62, blackops3, bo3, bigshell

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