Everyone is invited (The Marriage feast of the King’s Son Matthew 22:1-14)

10 months ago

Everyone is invited (The Marriage feast of the King’s Son Matthew 22:1-14)
In this parable, a king invites guests to his son’s wedding only to have them reject the invitation but to ensure that the wedding is well attended he sent his servants out to invite others to wedding. Jesus is speaking this parable to the religious elite of his time and is letting him know what is going to happen soon because of their rejection of Him as the Messiah. Jesus was letting them know that God’s chosen people, the Jews, through their rebellion and unacceptance of Him was going to open the door for the gentiles to come into the kingdom of God. God’s plan was never to work only through the Jewish people, His plan was to start with these chosen vessels and have it spread throughout the entire world. In Genesis 22:18, God tells Abraham that all nations will be blessed because of his act of obedience. God’s intention from the beginning was to have fellowship with all His creation.
In this parable we see something great about our God, everyone ends up getting an invitation to the wedding party. Some may have been invited first but ultimately the King extends the invitation so that everyone has to a chance to attend the party. 2 Peter 3:9 says that God’s will is for no one to perish but for all of us to come to repentance. He wants everyone to come and know Jesus as their Lord and Savior and loves all His creation equally (Romans 2:11). We are all invited to have a relationship with Jesus, but the question is do we accept it like the second bunch of invitees in our parable or do we reject it like the first group. We have already established that God wants all of us involved in His Kingdom but are you willing to do what it takes to be involved.

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