Sprint Towards the Finish Line!

1 year ago

Sprint Towards the Finish Line!

November 22nd, 2023

“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I presson toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” That’s in Philippians 3:13-14.

When I was in my senior year of High School, I ran on the track team. During the season, my competitive nature had me training nearly every day. It took hard work, discipline, eating well and a good night’s sleep for me to compete effectively. To be perfectly honest, I trained for myself and the accolades of winning.

I ran the relay with three other girls, we depended on the runner before us to maintain a winning position, so that when you had the baton the team would still be leading or at least be able to overtake the front runner. The teammate who went last was typically our strongest runner and would kick it into high gear before reaching the finish line.

I remember praying to God to win each of my races or at the very least not to embarrass myself and let down my team. You see, I wanted God’s will to agree with my selfish will, more than I wanted my will to become God’s. Back then, I was into praising and thanking Him when He permitted my will to be done.

So, what did the Lord do, He humbled me into submission. He allowed me to experience loss and compete against far superior athletes which resulted in me devoting more hours to training, working harder at running and keeping in shape. Praying that no matter what the outcome, that my words and actions would glorify Him. Slowly but surely, I got stronger, faster and could endure running greater distances. You see, God does not reward for a successful performance, He rewards for the labor and hardship undertaken for His name sake.

Jesus began speaking, “You all need to run the race of faith. Strive to finish strong in faith, not for the crown of glory, but for love of Me which you will have for all eternity. Blessed are those who remain steadfast under trials and tribulation. You will get to the finish line by persevering through the enemy’s obstacles and laying aside hindrances that rob you of your endurance.

“Enlist the help of the great cloud of witnesses, precious ones, so that you can more readily repent of the sin and unrighteousness that weighs you down and which clings so closely to you. Look to Me, My people, and run the race set before you, not your neighbor, but you. Endure your cross and despise the shame. Do not be concerned about the opinion of others. Do not lay back and wait for the Rapture, do not sit on the sidelines and think, “I’ve done enough for God, I’m tired and want to rest in cushy retirement.” No, my dear ones, now is the time to sprint, running faster towards finishing the work I have given you.

“Do not grow weary, keep moving in forward motion and I will strengthen you with My graces and fortify you with My nourishing love. A true runner for Me, works hard to build endurance, takes care of their bodies, when injured, they recover well, and as a result, they are able to push through the pain.

“Seeking Me daily, staying in My word and in prayer, equips you to stay resolute in faith to endure the race. Fellowship and praying with other believers fortifies your core. Welcome rebuke and embrace trials, ask Me for the grace of self-control and of personal discipline. This is a foot race, My people, stay light of feet and do not get bogged down with chasing after self-centered accolades and vainglory. Once sin enters into the picture and it stays on you a while, if you have not repented, it will become heavy and harder to get off. When you sin, you take your eyes off of Me and put them on yourselves. You choose to do your will and not mine.

“Remember the dream I gave you, Elisabeth, when you and Mary Elisha were side by side plowing in the difficult field, under the intense heat of the sun. I instructed you not to look left or to the right, but keep your eyes on Me and ultimately you both reached the finish line. You saw others in the field looking around to see what was going on, they became stalled and got stuck in the mud. Please remember, all My beautiful HeartDwellers, the farther you are away from your sins, the closer you are to Me.

“Fight against sin, continue in faith and you will obtain Me and the Crown of Life!” And that was the end of His message.

Dear Family, every struggle, every pain and every day on earth working for the Lord, is worth waiting patiently, enduring the journey to get to Jesus, our true finish line. We love you and are praying for you.

Do you enjoy seeing messages from Jesus???

These messages are also posted on Brighteon: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/stillsmallvoice

Please visit our website for over 1,000 more, with Pdf’s and MP3’s of the messages
and many other benefits, like a Rhema page, Testimonies, Outreach, Books and more!

OUR HEARTDWELLERS WEBSITE: https://www.heartdwellers.org/home-.html
NOTE: We now have an email account dedicated for Prayer, Questions, and Serious Concerns that you wish to keep private. One member of our Team and volunteered to monitor this new email address until the new website is up and running. Here is that address: AllHeartdwellers@gmail.com
We now have a link for you to bookmark the entire listing of Albums, with clickable hyperlinks TO the Albums. We are hoping this makes finding out what is available, as well as finding them, easier for you all. Open this and save as a Bookmark. That’s it!

Link to file: https://nebula.wsimg.com/ad4a83c87c8e65a663172fbc0750a443?AccessKeyId=DEE07ECD52C1F22EA660&disposition=0&alloworigin=1
OUR MUSIC SITE can now be found at this link: https://vimeo.com/channels/heartdwellingsongs
These books, CDs and art are being moved into the public domain, but until then you may copy and distribute at cost only, not for profit, anything I have created with the Lord's help. He has freely given, who can copyright the words of the Lord and make of them an item of profit and commerce? My heart is that all should have these at no cost so you can go to our website and download them for free @ HeartDwellers.org.
And if you have no means to purchase these write to me at HeartDwellers.org, p.o. box 1113, Taos, NM 87571 and I will send you whatever I have on hand at your request. The Love of Jesus be with you. - Clare du Bois

This video is OUR heart here - as He gives to us, we can give to others: youtube.com/watch?v=xpVfcZ0ZcFM

For a compilation of all of the references and teachings about the DOME OF THE ROCK: nebula.wsimg.com/d157c76e56f67961a9c1ab95b3dae4ae?AccessKeyId=DEE07ECD52C1F22EA660&disposition=0&alloworigin=1

SEARCH FOR SPECIFIC MESSAGES: search.stillsmallvoicetriage.org/index.php
TRIAGE FOR TRUTH SEEKERS at: stillsmallvoicetriage.org/
Our itunes page: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/still-small-voice/id1025396536
Chronicles of the Bride Book at SmashWords: smashwords.com/books/view/615941
Chronicles of the Bride Book at Amazon: amazon.com/Chronicles-Bride-Clare-Dubois-ebook/dp/B01BU3W0M6
Chronicles of the Bride Book free PDF: heartdwellers.org/all-pdf-files.html

DONATE HERE: heartdwellers.org/donate-1.html or by mail: HeartDwellers.Inc, P.O. Box 1113, Taos, New Mexico, 87571 We are a full-time ministry and appreciate the kind and generous hearts that are able to contribute to our ministry. May the Lord bless you a hundred-fold, both now and in the age to come. You can't out-give the Lord! May He enfold you in His Loving Arms.

We are now a non-profit organization. Tax receipts for 2017 will be available, but not immediately. Please consider an extension on filing to allow our staff time to prepare all the necessary paperwork.

You can buy a hard copy of Chronicles of the Bride on Amazon
or use the free download on our web site.

We have other books, as well as, Love Letters To My Bride, 1, 2, 3 and The Rapture WAS Real?!, Tethered and Rhema...

Dear Family,
We now have a blog just for you to post your experiences and read about others who are coming into intimate relationship with Jesus. We'd love to hear about Him touching you at prayer time, or visions you have had with Him, going to Heaven, etc.
Love you all so very dearly…you are such a consolation to Ezekiel and I.

Our Blog: heartdwellingwithjesus.wordpress.com/about/

We can also be found on the following social media outlets:
Our FB page: web.facebook.com/Heartdwellers/?ref=bookmarks
Our Instagram page: instagram.com/jesusheartdwellers/
Our Twitter Page: twitter.com/heartdwellers18
Our SoundCloud Page: https://soundcloud.com/user-749352304

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