Elf on the Mischief Patrol 🧝‍♂️🚓 #ElfOnAShelf #LaundryDayMayhem #MischiefMaker #CopHumor #MemeMagic

1 year ago

SPECIAL NOTE: I'm Law Enforcement and jokes like this are not offensive to us!

"When even the Elf on the Shelf can't resist a little laundry day mischief! 😂🧝‍♂️🚓"

If you've got a mischievous sense of humor, hit that like button and share the laughter with your fellow officers and friends! 🤣

#ElfOnAShelf #LaundryDayMayhem #MischiefMaker #CopHumor #ElfAntics #MemeMagic #LawEnforcementLaughs #UniformPranks #FridayFunnies #ShareTheSmiles

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