"Libertarian Christmas" 2023

1 year ago

O Blessed Yuletide! Another opportunity for me to amuse and annoy my misguided, die hard followers.

This year, in lieu of a deconstructed Christmas Carol, I offer Ani's Libertarian Holiday Poem. It may not be the jewel in anyone's crown, but that won't stop me from reciting it all over town.

If we have learned anything over the last few years, it is the difference between those who think for themselves and those who parrot the outdated and well worn propaganda churned out by the partisan poop-heads.

Red or blue, it's us they screw so, let's get it together America and drown the bipartisan Deep Statists in a pool of their own depravity.

My videos and podcasts are available on multiple platforms, links are below. I hope you enjoy them and if you do, please share with like-minded friends and also with those on the fence. Truth is more easily accepted when bathed in humor.

A very Merry Christmas and A Blessed Yule to you all. Together, we will make sure America does not fall.

Hey Peeps!
I make podcasts and videos on my own dime to promote social awareness, to encourage We the Peeps to share ideas and opinions. Without open, civil discussion, we cannot build a better world. Unless we are willing to entertain alternative points of view and have the guts to change our minds when presented with new information, we cannot enter the new golden age of reason. We need space to share, to declare and above all, we need to relearn the importance of discussion for the sake of evolution, not for the sake of winning an argument.

All donations are gratefully received.

PayPal: https://paypal.me/AniAvedissian?locale.x=en_US

If you do not wish to use PayPal, my mailing address is
Ani Avedissian
P O Box 714
Wilsonville OR 97070 USA

Thank you and may your generosity be returned one thousand fold.

Website: http://aniavedissian.com/
Blog http://aniavedissian.blogspot.com/
Twitter https://twitter.com/cosmic_ani

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