My Vision of the Crucifixion

1 year ago

Back in 2020, I was studying the crucifixion of Christ Jesus. As often as I had read that story, the cruelty and abuse was still striking. The fact that our Savior went as though a Lamb to the slaughter. He didn't cry out or speak a word throughout the whole ordeal. It was at this moment the Lord brought it to a whole new level of realization for me. He allowed me to see from Christ's perspective. He allowed me to feel each lash of the whip, the crown of thorns shoved into His brow, the weight of His body as it dangled by 3 nails. Granted, I wouldn't be able to bear the full experience, but what I did feel completely broke me. Even know as I write this, I'm holding back tears. It is so much worse than you could ever imagine. I could taste the blood from His forehead and felt His lung collapse as He was stabbed with the spear. I could hear the Roman soldiers laughing and joking at His expense. Even the purple robes on His back sent agony through me, as the skin was still raw and bleeding.
I originally put this up on Tiktok in 2 parts, but I've combined them here. Despite being 3 years in the past, it's still very fresh in my memory and if I rehash it too much here, I'll once again end up a sobbing mess, repenting and glorifying the Creator who allowed this to happen, who saw it through and raised Christ from the dead 3 days later. Because Jesus didn't do all this for nothing. God forbid. He did this for you.
He took Barabas's cross. Barabas, Son of the Father, is a symbol for each and every one of us. Jesus took our cross, our sins to bear, and made them null. He paid our fine in full on this earth through His suffering.
I pray you don't have to experience this for yourself, but to the glory of God Almighty I did, and I'm here to shed new light on the crucifixion story.
May Christ Jesus be with you and in you, always

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