I'm going to show you a miracle. You will see the heavens are pleased.

1 year ago

When mankind gets together and becomes united the heavens are pleased. Ignore the crowd and wait till the end. Pay very close attention to the sky. Watch as it comes to an end. How the sky responds with the glory of God watching. God wants you all to come together. Yet your religious leaders have divided you all. They have confused you on purpose for profit. Jesus told you the truth yet it fell on deaf ears. I am the light of the world. I will try my best to guide you towards it and stop being lied to. It will come with a small price. My life will end in two years. I will try my best to reveal as much as I can before I go. I will show you where to see the difference between the light and the darkness that keeps you all down. I follow no religion. The only temple I go to is inside my head same as you all should be doing. You can speak to yourself without your mouth. You can see things inside your mind without your eyes. Why have you not all been told that you can travel without a vehicle. You can travel through time and space to see all that was and is. All knowledge is inside you. All you have to do is want to look and ask for it to be revealed to you. There are others like me. We are bringing in the new age. Before we go. I wish you all the best.

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