
1 year ago

The final countdown, that clip is not new. We are far beyond the count down or it’s warning.
Pentagon official arrested for sex crimes.
Virginia house blows up as Police set to raid. Hmmm
BLM leader endorses Trump.
The system, money and you.
There were 2 clips the algorithms and beast AI would not let me share. 1. Biden saying he’s the enemy. 2. John Kerry com. They are scared. The Virginia clip was a battle too. That’s why there is no sound. I sometimes have to get creative to get the clips out. As I don’t waist 2 hours of your time flapping my lips. About stupid shit. And trying to get donations or sell you shit. This is my way. To just creatively share directly. Add comments and let you decide. It’s up to each of us to make up our own minds about things.
God bless all who come here.
Stay save, love others and be compassionate not violent or ignorant.

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