Book of Daniel - End Times Return of Christ

10 months ago

Daniel 12: End-Time Events
Daniel the prophet warns us of terrible end-time events that will affect the entire world! But he also provides wonderful hope for those who submit to God.
End Times Book of Daniel.
Signs of Christ’s return
As for exactly when Jesus Christ will return, the Bible tells us that no man may know the day or the hour (Matthew 24:36). However, we are also told that when certain signs appear, we will know that it is imminent, that it is “at the doors” (verse 33).

Regarding this end-time prophecy, Jesus told His disciples (and us today) that in the time leading up to His second coming (verses 3-7) there would be:

Religious deception.
Since these events have been ongoing problems of mankind, Jesus referred to them as the “beginning of sorrows” (verse 8). In the time leading up to Christ’s return, these events will increase in intensity.
Then Jesus listed these signs:
False prophets will arise to deceive many (verse 5).
Many of God’s people will be hated, hunted and killed (verse 9).
Lawlessness shall abound (verse 12).
And even as these tragic sorrows intensify, “this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations, and then the end will come” (verse 14).

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