THIS is the Video Satan Doesn't Want You to See…

1 year ago

Isaac Pitre has an urgent word for all believers. Listen up!
▶▶Take Back Your Authority by Isaac Pitre [Book & 3-CDs]:
▶▶Take Back Your Authority by Isaac Pitre [Digital Download]:

🛡 Take back your spiritual authority

Satan has declared a total scorched earth war against you, your family, the church, and everything and everyone you love. Don’t wait another minute to take back your spiritual authority over the devil. With Isaac Pitre’s book and 3-part audio series, Take Back Your Authority, you will realize that the enemy no longer has authority over you. You have authority over the enemy to win every battle! Discover kingdom keys that ward off fears, anxieties, sorrows, liturgy, and any other symptoms of a demonic assault against you. Claim legislative power and authority to break evil bonds meant to destroy your identity and prevent your destiny from being fulfilled. Put on your mantle of authority and boldly speak with heaven’s power to dethrone Satan from your life and free others from the enemy’s influence.

🛡 Be in command of every situation

When you apply the 10 spiritually-based declarations found in Isaac’s Take Your Authority Back decree card, you will take dominion in the natural and supernatural realms. You will inflict massive damage to the devil’s work, speak words of authority over yourself, and be in command of every situation with this anointed-for-battle declaration card.

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