1 year ago

For some reason the mainstream media are trying once again to declare the Hampstead Childrens Disclosures a HOAX ...first with a 10 part podcast by Alexi Mostrous of Tortoise Media, and an already filmed and edited "documentary" by Story Films for CHANNEL FOUR. This was due to be aired this past August and was postponed. Sabine makes a very good case for having been groomed and manipulated into giving an interview which will of course get maliciously edited. SATANNIC RITUAL ABUSE is a real thing, and these constant cover up attempts are reminiscent of the defunct and debunked False Memory Society set up in America by paedophiles trying to discredit their accusers!


I am a survivor of MKUltra no consent childhood experiments as a child of a military Father...........I am also a survivor of child sexual abuse, trauma based mind control, trafficking and ritual abuse with drugging and deliberate induced dissociation

In my decade plus of working online, I am the proud badge holder of the following censorship!! 2 videos banned in CANADA; 2 videos banned in IRELAND; 7 videos banned in the UK and one on CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA banned worldwide!! With the help of my wonderful technical assistant, ALL BANNED VIDEOS will be uploaded here !!

I am a published, semi retired journalist and campaign tirelessly to expose high level paedophile and satanic ritual abuse rings worldwide

I have worked for more than five years investigating and reporting on the HAMPSTEAD COVER UP the biggest satanic ritual abuse case in our generation according to the allegations of ALISA and GABRIEL in multiple video disclosures recorded when they were aged 8 & 9 in late 2014

The accused Father alleged to be the cult leader, is currently trying to have me prosecuted and jailed for my work on the case, and we are at a very sensitive stage of the disclosure and exposure with evidence due to surface which should categorically generate the arrest of all accused including the Father, and the RESCUE of the children, now 14 & 15

I document my own mkultra and trafficking experiences as well as campaigning for others especially CHILDREN currently caught up in this vile international problem without a voice or hope of rescue unless humanity as a whole WAKES UP and TAKES ACTION!!

Please support my work, and be aware the tactic of REPUTATION DESTRUCTION has been rampant in my life both online and off for five years...if you EVER have questions, you are MORE than welcome to bring them to me !

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