Each Heart is a Lonely Hunter VIDEO (IMPROVED)

10 months ago

Each Heart is a Lonely Hunter
by Mark A. Lajoie
Copyright 2011, RN SR 679-889
My town is like a pic-ture a puz-zle of the poor
al-ways, in the end, the pie-ces smashed u-pon the floor
There's a lone-ly drink-er thirst-ing
There's a rich girl bi-ding time
There's an old man dy-ing dai-ly
There's a fish-er cast-ing lines
For each heart is a lone-ly hunt-er
But His Heart will not rest
Till He's put them all to-geth-er
With each piece at peace at last
We had each gone in our own way, a-lone, a-fraid and lost
So, in the end, His Bo-dy lay there offered on the Cross
Like the lone-ly drink-er thirst-ing
Like e-ter-ni-ty bi-ding time
Like the God-Man dy-ing dai-ly
Like a Fish-er cast-ing lines
Why don’t you share your pain wi-thin His?
Let Him paint you in-to the pic-ture
The pic-ture of His Heart of Love!

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