Are the British Royals Rothschilds?

1 year ago

According to this man -- from the Battle of Waterloo, the British Royal Family lost all their money and they had been funded by the Rothschilds in exchange for Breeding Rights. The Rothschilds had the Breeding Rights to the British Royal Family from 1819 to 2019. The British Royal Family was bankrupt from 1815, so the Rothschilds funded the British Royal Family in exchange for the Rothschilds breeding the Royals. The whole British Royal Family are Rothschild Batards, which is the Royal Name for Bastards.

King George V of England -- Sired by Alexander the III of Russia.

Queen Elizabeth II -- Sired by Artificial Insemination by Winston Churchill.

Winston Churchill - is the illegitimate son of King Edward VII.

This man claims he has sent all of this to the leaders of the world and no one has responded, so he says they have accepted them all by passive acquiescence and cognitive avoidance.

This guy says that the Corona Virus means "We Crown Him" in Latin.

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