Pt.1(a) Should Gender-confused teens be free to change, or is "Trans" like the Hotel California?

1 year ago

This is an expanded version of the original interview, which can be found on UnMaskingTheTransMovement YouTube channel:
(Pt. 1) Should Gender-confused teens be free to change, or is being "Trans" like the Hotel California?
(Pt. 2) Should Gender-confused teens be free to change, or is being "Trans" like the Hotel California?

In this interview (Episode #68), Special Guest & research coordinator, Ed Sparrius, shares the dangers of the push by Trans Activists to ensure that once a minor enters onto the moving sidewalk of the Trans Movement, they never decide to exit, despite the end of the road being not just "social transitioning," but medicalization, sterilization, and amputation of their sex organs. The Trans Activists and their dark special interests have crafted legislation in Australia and New Zealand, in Canada, and are trying to do so within the US, which uses the term "anti-conversion therapy," to ensure that a gender-confused young person never finds a therapist willing to explore the underlying reasons for their gender-confusion, lest the young person decides that sterilization and amputation is not in their best long-term mental, emotional, and physical best interest.

In this 2-part interview, Ed Sparrius, reviews findings from an important study conducted on the efficacy of exploratory therapy and other non-Trans radical approaches to gender-confusion. The results have become known as the 'Free to Change' study, and the findings shine light on just how cult-like the Trans Pushers are, wanting to ensure that gender-confused young people never leave the cult-like grip of the Movement. Much like the song, 'Hotel California,' the Pushers of this grand scheme want to ensure that troubled minors can check-in any time, but can't ever leave. Why is it that the Trans Pushers want to ensure that gender-confused young people are not free to choose or free to change?

Free to Change website.
Free to Change research study findings overview:
Free to Change Study Booklet downloadable PDF (which includes Ch. 5 written by Jon K. Uhler, LPC).
* Dr. Elisabeth Taylor, PhD. speaks to the dangers of Queer theory and John Money.
* Dr. Phil clip: Detransitioning: She Regrets Transitioning From Female to Male.
* Chloe Cole regrets her Transition:
* Multiple clips of Dr. Bell & detransitioners from: Understanding the Trans Movement.

Additional Resources:
Jon K. Uhler, LPC & Alix Aharon Interviews:
What the Pushers of the Trans Deception Don't Want You to Know (Pt. 1) :
What the Pushers of the Trans Deception Don't Want You to Know. (Pt. 2)
(Pt. 1) The Dark Reality Behind Transgender Medicine:
(Pt. 2) The Dark Reality Behind Transgender Medicine:
(Pt. 3) The Dark Reality Behind Transgender Medicine:
Partners for Ethical Care:

UnMaskingTheTransMovement YouTube:
Episode #34 Part 1 Dangers Of The Trans Movement with Dr Van Mol
Episode #34 Part 2 Dangers Of The Trans Movement with Dr Van Mol
Episode #16 (pt.1) "NO such thing as a Trans Kid". Dr. Michelle Cretella, MD.
Episode #16 (pt.2) "NO such thing as a Trans Kid". Dr. Michelle Cretella, MD.
Episode #21 (pt. 1) "Medical Scam Of The Century." Dr. Dianna Kenny Unmasks Transgender Medicine.
Episode #21 (pt. 2) "Medical Scam Of The Century." Dr. Dianna Kenny Unmasks Transgender Medicine.
Episode #5 (pt. 1) Jenny Kyng, RN, Discusses the Dangers & Deception of "Gender Affirming Care."

An analysis of the dangers of the Trans Movement from two seasoned therapists, the following video is recommended: 'Unmasking the Dangers of the Trans Movement: Two Therapists Speak Out'
For an understanding of the special interests pushing the Trans Agenda, the following video is recommended: 'Understanding the Trans Movement'

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