1 year ago


Unpopular, stupid and petty, but far from unexpected from Mussolini Malinauskas. Exactly what we have grown to expect from politicians who now consider themselves our rulers instead of our employees. The really stupid thing is their attempts to move Australia Day will fail miserably. The reason it is certain to fail is because they are not moving the day due to having a more preferred date, they are moving the date because they hate Australia and they hate Australians. What date do you think they want for Australia Day, Karl Marx's birthday, the day Pol Pot assumed power? Do they even have an alternative? And if they do have an alternative have you seen anything from these Australia hating left tards that suggests they would all agree to it? If Mussolini Malinauskas hates Australia so much he is welcome to go back to Greece. My prediction is that this will descend into a complete shit show. At some stage the other party in our two party system will be voted back into power, and possibly the will correct this madness, possibly they won't be able to, who knows? The way politicians are destroying everything they can get their hands on South Australia may cease to exist in the future, we may become Western Victoria, it sounds stupid but have you seen anything to suggest there is a limit to the stupidity of our politicians?


The police commissioner's son, who allegedly jumped in front of a moving car, is still in the news. I have to wonder what they will do when the trial starts. My guess is it will either go one of two ways, either a complete media circus with updates on the television every 15 minutes, or a complete media blackout so the public doesn't hear the allegations that the deceased kid jumped in front of the car.

I find the mentions of organ donation interesting. It was only this year that I was made aware that they do not transplant organs from corpses. Let me repeat that. They do not transplant organs from corpses. I'm not going to try to define where they do transplant organs from. Do your own research into organ donation. I'm not competent to accurately cover the medical, legal and ethical terms and concepts they use. I will however provide a link in the description to a video from someone who appears to know far more than me. (!:9 )


What a surprise, the Australian A.B.C. misleading it's viewers. The one thing they did get correct is they should not be locked up indefinitely. Set them free by kicking them out of the Country. Not a single politician has mentioned Rwanda. I would be the first to admit that the Rwanda solution is far from the first thing people think of when they hear of these invaders, but you can't convince me that of the hundreds of politicians Australia has not a single one has heard of the Rwanda solution. I'm now firmly convinced that the only reason Rwanda has not been mentioned is because there is a very high likelihood it may work. And worse, it would have overwhelming public support.


Private health cover is bloody expensive. There are cheap options, but they cover you for so little you may as well go without and save your money. With health cover it really is a case of you get what you pay for. Absolute nonsense from the reporter that this has anything at all to do with female purchases. This increase is due to 2 things, the slow but continuing collapse of the public health system and m.R.N.A. gene therapy injuries. The dirty secret is that the private health system, hospitals in particular, are at capacity. You have to wait no matter how much coverage you have. The simple reason for that is State governments are leasing hospital beds in private hospitals in an attempt to cover the shortfall in public hospitals caused by successive government's incompetence. If there is a change in government at the next election I predict it won't be due to their racist Aboriginal apartheid or self loathing destruction of Australian holidays and culture, any change will most likely be due to failures in health and housing, followed closely by cost of living failures.


Interesting report. All the Countries people suspect to have politicians in the pay of the Chinese communist party have signed a pledge to effectively spend billions of dollars on Chinese solar equipment. Nothing suspicious there.


I've given up on the Australian public, I do not for one minute believe that they will push back against digital I.D.s, in fact I think they will set world records for adoption. If politicians wanted to do something constructive they would be amending the Bill to ensure digital I.D. could never be made mandatory, they would add clauses that made it a jail-able offence to require a digital I.D., they would expressly limit the places where a digital I.D. could be used and require amending the legislation to add any new places. The amendments would be shot down by the government, but at least you could point to the refused amendments as proof the government is lying.


Unfortunately a major percentage, possibly a majority, of Australians support censorship. Currently the most obvious example are the "Yes" vote wankers who are still carrying on like cry babies over their loss, they believe everyone who spoke for the "No" vote should have been censored into silence. There is also the climate cult which likewise wants anyone speaking against their religion silenced. And the covid cult is still getting all non conformist views censored in the media and on the internet. Australians generally are willing to trade their free speech if rewarded with the censoring of their enemies. I'm of the opinion that Australians dislike freedom, Australians don't seem to care if they are living under fascism or Communism, all they demand is that there is someone telling them what to do. Never forget the covid restrictions.


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