Within Our Flawed Humanity

1 year ago

Within our flawed humanity, there seems to be a real beautiful radiance, the gift of life we're given. I for one, am gonna embrace that, and live it out to the best of my abilities.

We all have our 💩 whether we admit it or not. I would never want to carry the flag for the billionth and one new cause, or dive in and profit from the latest trends. Don't get me started on breathworks coaches, floral dresses and sourdough bread. Like bottom feeders in a dirty tank that never really gets cleaned.

The older I get the less I know. 🙂

The foundational areas of what it is to be human have existed for thousands of years. History tells us we are flawed and always will be. When we let go of our self centered lifestyle, control, or the "pursuit" of happiness, we are faced with our frail humanity. It can be felt walking down the aisle of a terminal cancer ward. It's in the air at the scene of a tragic car accident, you can hear it in the silence at a still born birth. I felt it when I couldn't shower or feed myself in the early stages and onset of a disability. We search for community inside a broken system that can regularly lean towards rewarding false happiness and shallow relationships. Suffering is real and the past, present and future are all important aspects of the human condition that we need to recognize and take into consideration in our everyday life. ❤️

Of Life explores some of the more difficult sides of life. Beautiful, artistic, raw, down to earth, sometimes funny, outside the box film making. These are complex topics.

Footage taken from full length Documentary Roadz Of Life
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