Article 4395 Video - A Call to Mankind -- Action in Vancouver By Anna Von Reitz

9 months ago

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Article 4395 Video - A Call to Mankind -- Action in Vancouver - Sunday, September 10, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

While Kevin Annett and I continue to have our differences, we also have our similarities. Both of us are against genocide and especially against the genocide of children.

He has just announced a continuance of the action against the various churches that have been complicit in the residential schools genocide against Native children -- this time, the action is in western Canada, Vancouver, though we know that these crimes happened throughout Canada and in The United States, too.

You can learn more about his current efforts here:

This genocide against innocent school children and their Native cultures is, in my view, the same as all the other similar genocides, including the pandemic genocide and the genocide on Maui. It's all about those who worship death, sex, drugs, money, and lies promoted via blackmail --- people who only pretend to be Christians or Jews or Muslims, but who are in fact "none of the above".

Call them Satanists or worshipers of Baal, devotees of the other "Queen of Heaven'' or Molloch, the Devourer -- they have hidden in plain view for centuries. The Bible calls them "Mystery Babylon" and describes their practice of burning people, especially babies and young children, alive.

That's what it is talking about in the Bible where it references "passing your sons and daughters through the flames" and what was taking place in the Valley of Hinnom.

In the Second Century BCE, priests of the cult were brought to Rome as prisoners leftover from the Punic Wars, where they became tax collectors for Caesar.

They wore black robes and white wigs and castrated themselves in honor of their goddess-of-many-names: Semiramis, Ashtoreth, Astarte, Isis, Cybele, Columbia, Justia, Athena.

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