The Demiurge And The Matrix Control System

1 year ago

Mirrored: The Demiurge And The Matrix Control System - YouTube

More information on Tom:

Moksha From Earth: Freedom From Archons, Reincarnation Traps, Soul Traps, And False Light Heavens

If You're Not Ready To Question EVERYTHING, You're Not "Awake." Period.

We live and die in a world of lies.

We have all been lied to from cradle to grave.

What if you woke up one morning, say this morning, with the crazy
notion that everything you had ever been told was a lie? Everything you were taught in school, from your parents, from religion, and from TV was a form of deception? That all the systems you trusted, that you believed were created for your best interest, were false? A calculated series of lies designed as a type of control mechanism, to keep you and everyone, under the spell of the wizards who control this realm. What if you found that even all the areas that seem designed to assist you, such as religion, spirituality, or self-help, were all part of the deception as well?

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