New Zealand Bombshell Covid Truth Extinguished

1 year ago

Bowne Report

Barry Young and another whistleblower that were on the inside of New Zealand's Covid Vaccine rollout have been arrested for revealing the horrible truth. Young has been deemed a flight risk and been denied bail. The statistical evidence that roughly up to 20% of New Zealand's population was murdered by the Covid vaccines has finally been revealed by the selfless act of a lone New Zealand Health statistic administrator. As more evidence seeps in. While politicians were well aware of the numbers. Gleefully pretending to be the saviours while many died under an Orwellian information lockdown. The straw has broken the camel's back. There is no turning the safe and effective covid lockdown narrative away from the statistical evidence of mass murder. Which only means that those responsible must continue their dark deeds. Waging an unyielding war of propaganda against the masses with a flood of lies and distractions

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