December 15th 2023- Hanukkah & what will follow

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December 15th 2023- Hanukkah & what will follow
Hanukkah is the most joyous of the Jewish holidays, but its historical and prophetic implications give this ancient celebration a deeper significance most people are unaware of.

The story of Hanukkah takes us back to the days of the Medo-Persian and Grecian Empires, and their wars pitting their leaders Darius III and Alexander the Great. The story of Hanukkah recounts the tyrant-king Antiochus Ephiphanes’ attempts to make Israel bend to his will threatening its existence, and the Israelites’ courageous war to defeat him. The story of Hanukkah recounts how a lone crus of oil burned for 8 days, helping the Jewish people cleanse their desecrated Temple.

But more the anything, the story of Hanukkah is about the greatest miracle of all: The miracle of what God did in preserving His Chosen People.

And let us add one more significant item to the story of Hanukkah: What happened approximately 2,200 years will happen again at the end of the age. Indeed, the Hanukkah of history is a foreshadow of the future!
Yvon Attia teaches on the power of thanksgiving and how it is a surprising, yet key weapon in spiritual warfare. Scripture tells us to give thanks in everything - not that we should be thankful for the challenges that come our way, but to be thankful in every moment, knowing that God is working all things together for our good. Thanksgiving sanctifies and moves a situation out of the enemy’s hand and into God’s. Stewarding a thankful heart reestablishes our trust in God’s sovereignty, and is one of the most profound weapons God has given us

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