Youth Sex Evil

1 year ago

Since prayer was unconstitutionally taken out of government schools in thed early 1960, all sorts of depravity has filled the vacuum. Though the number of teens who are sexually has dropped by about a third since the 1990s, surveys show that 50 percent plus of teens have had sexual experiences by the time they reach 18. Adults say that teens are just going to have sex and there is nothing that can be done. But, they don't say the same thing about smoking, drinking, drugs or reckless driving. What these adults really hate is having to follow the higher power of God telling them right from wrong. They don't believe it in their own lives and don't want to teach their kids to believe in God and the Bible.
26 percent of teens describe themselves as LGBTQXYZ. It totally because of brainwashing. What these young people really hunger for is love and acceptance. They see that they can get this if they become part of the perverted and confused LGBT crowd. And of course many others who don't claim to be in the group encourage them to let people know that they have an open mind. Others claim that LGBTQ people are an oppressed and bullied group to try to make them victims and thus victim "advocates" come out of the woodwork and politicians use another "oppressed" group for perceived political gain.
The normalization of teens describing what their supposed sexuality is is all part of the ruse as well, thus trying to make the masses think it is normal to think that each teen is some sort of sexual type, and thus imply that sex is for marriage between a man and woman is some old fashioned idea that doesn't exist anymore. The Marxists behind this evil effort are all about destroying the family and religion, two foundations of society.
Pushing sex onto young people is all about power adn control, the Marxists want to get the youth sexually enslaved so they will be able to overall control them thoughout their lives.
Teen sex is so harmful to the teens, not only physically with STDs, but spiritually and emotionally as well. Most teens regret getting sexually involved when they did. Those adults pushing sex on them couldn't care less though, they have so many evil ulterior motives behind their evil.

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