Heroes 4 - Solo Hero Challenge (Part 4)

1 year ago

I am doing a Solo Hero Challenge in Heroes of Might and Magic 4 with the Prophet Class on a very big and very difficult map called Obsession for Power.
The Version of the game that I am playing is Ultimate v8.

Shoutout to AbsoluteZero for igniting the spark for this series!

AbsoluteZero: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7ChXFPzSaU
Map: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bva0f50f3a4tuvvy723nu/Obsession-for-Power-REMASTERED-.v12.h4c?rlkey=49eddn0tiqwobjbvluoq4uy6m&dl=0
Ultimate: https://www.moddb.com/mods/heroes-iv-ultimate/downloads/heroes-iv-ultimate-v8

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