Tucker Carlson – 2024 will be like Nothing we have Ever Seen Before – “I'll Bet my House on it”

1 year ago

I have a feeling he is right.

I believe there will be a dip in the stock market, which will be a scare and see some panic selling. I also believe it is a planned trap so the elite can buy the cheap stock as they have been stock piling their money for years. The dip may only last a month or two at the very most, I think.

Then the second half of 2024 for some reason I just don't have a good feeling on right now. What will happen with the election. Is there a Dark Horse in the waiting?

Surely people see that Biden wasn't duly elected.

I think inflation will continue- food will continue to rise and be in short supply and the middle class will begin to feel the pinch.

What will happen to Trump? Will the globalist put him in or will they put him on ice?

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