Now it's Baaack 2 Business #Get2Steppin w S2 025

1 year ago

Come Get 2 Steppin with S2🌱 @S2thaheart

#stepS2uccess #podcast #get2steppin

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How to Being Wholesaling Real Estate with No Money Down (Flip Paper)

Chapter of Events..
00:00 Intro
00:18 Update on these 2 deals!
02:34 I closed this deal already but the seller is venting, buyer is skep!
05:33 I just had to keep it real with her, i didn't buy the property!
13:00 Let's review that phone call!
14:27 Later in the day...
15:35 Property 12 follow up!
18:00 Wow.. reality check! This is a people business..listen!!
19:50 That convo gave me goosebumps, let's review it
25:34 Following up with attorney
28:28 And that's an episode, stay classy San Diego


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