How Molybdenum can DETOX Sulfur and Heavy Metals (DO THIS)!

1 year ago

Molybdenum for Detoxing, The Forgotten Mineral

While people are able to get their Zinc, Selenium, Magnesium,
Amino Acids from Proteins, and Potassium. They forget about Molybdenum
when it comes to detoxing.

- Is Oxidation bad? Not unless it helps your body detox and kill pathogens.
- It is bad in the context of too much sugar Glycating and Oxidizing your LDL and other cells.

Over 50 Enzymes containing Molybdenum have been discovered.
- Molybdenum is a cofactor to oxidize toxins in the liver with enzymes
Xanthine Oxidase (Heavy Metals) and Sulfite Oxidase (Sulfite).
- Also helps with Aldehyde Oxidase to detox Drugs, Alcohol, and Metabolic by-products.
- Aldehydes are toxic so they must be oxidized to then be detoxed.
- An integral part of Phase 1 and Phase 2 Liver Detox.
- Find toxins, make water-soluble, biotransform, get rid of it into bile, into poop, poop it out.
- Can help people who are sensitive to Sulfur / Sulfite foods.

- Helps with Iron Metabolism in converting inorganic Ferric Iron to a more absorbable Ferrous Iron
- May help someone with low iron problems if deficient in Molybdenum, also important to have B12.

- Tetrathiomolybdate compound of Molybdenum may help with Copper Regulation
especially with Copper Toxicity

- Around 200-250mcg is good. Avoid taking supplements with a crazy amount of Molybdenum in the mgs. You do not need something crazy like 500mg.

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Disclaimer: I am not a Medical Doctor or a Dietician. I am a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Nutrition Researcher. Therefore, I legally do not Treat, Diagnose, Prevent, or Cure people. My advice is to not be construed as such and is my opinion. I educate people on the following topics above. My advice is best tailored to my clients. If you are not my client then any advice given should be discussed with your professional healthcare provider.

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