They threw him ( blue bulldog) out of their car !

1 year ago

One night earlier this year Kim and I were going to the store and right in front of us as we were coming to a stop right around the corner from the store somebody in the car in front of us threw out a dog ! There was a lot of traffic and the dog went flying out of the car into the street and right away he tried to follow the car but they just left him. Then the dog kept going up to cars trying to find his owners ! It was a nightmare to watch so I jumped out of the car as Kim was pulling over. The dog would not respond to any calls, I even got Kim to call to it but nothing as he was trying to find the car he came from door to door each car but nobody was stopping and he was about to get hit so I stepped out in traffic to make them stop and then tried to get the pup but he ran away so I stopped trying a stood there in prayer and then there was the pup right in front of me, he came back around a bush and just stopped in front of me as I was kneeling down I felt his heartbeat for real! It was very strange but all the sounds from outside just went away I all I could hear was a heartbeat. I was able to pick him up and we took him home. He was covered in open sores, he had Mange. So after about 6 months and two times trying to cure him with Ivermectin it worked. So little by little I have been working with him now that he is all better and he is also all grown up too. I can not believe people and believe it or not we found where he may have come from as there was a sign that said "Blue Nose Bulldogs for sale." Kim saw it a few weeks ago and we went by the home and sure enough was another sign and then I saw one of their dogs which I believe he came from it is just to close to not be them. So now we have an amazing dog that was treated bad, he was very scared for many months so it is a slow process to bring him back up to a real dog but he is doing it.

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