Pilot license restrictions due to risk of incapacitation increased by 126% in 2022 | Captain Murdock

1 year ago

Captain Shane Murdock ― who has 40 years’ experience as a pilot, has certificates in air accident investigation and has a masters degree in Human Factors ― shares the following important data points:

1. Professional pilots with health issues that may cause an incapacitation while operating an aircraft, can have their Class 1 airline transport pilot license (ATPL) restricted so that are only allowed to fly with another pilot (multi-crew only). The amount of these restrictions increased by a whopping 126% in 2022.
2. Huge increase in all-cause mortality of 16-18% excess mortality in Australia 2022.
3. 386% rise in mayday calls.

When combining these these data points, it’s not difficult at all to determine the likely culprit beyond any reasonable doubt.

When the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) were summoned by the Australian Senate for the data on medical license restrictions, they OMITTED the 2022 data! So they have deceived the Senate by omitting the data the clearly shows there is an emergency.


View the full interview here:

Shane Murdock’s full report: Impending Disaster in the Global Aviation Industry

Graph (slightly edited by me)


IMPENDING DISASTER: Mayday calls increased 386% since vaxx roll-out!!! - Captain Shane Murdock

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