Right wing collaborators, BS viruses, jab rejection and the Hack.

11 months ago

Insomnia has taken a turn for the worse, It's hypo-heed time again.
So I leave another record as a reminder to the future that we were not crazy and definitely not totally wrong.
Generation X,Y and Z are mentioned but I speak of the screen junkies and cost to the unhealthy service/killing factory of over £100 million a year result of unhealthy foods and lifestyles that are encouraged, who have given up, you grafters need not take offence, if you do now, you need to wind-yer-necks in as I only speak of the aforementioned and my mind from experience. It's not personal outside of myself.
In the end we could be right and that terrifies people to accept and face so they mooch about in the land of nod as a rebel without a clue..in la la land.
So if anything makes sense, opens a door or triggers your inner knowing please use it and share it as our breadcrumbs combined will decide who writes our story. IT MUST BE OF TRUTH.
So, don't let the side down and bloody-well survive...please, but you still have time.
When the waves begin to take it down, do for you or sink and drown.

Much L❤ve


Learn how humanity survived such times and events to come by studying our past and myths, legends, accounts, stories and religious texts to find the answers, then let your soul show you the truth.
If you accept it, the least we can do is prepare those to follow so they may do so going forward. We don't have to 'beat' them, we just have to get off their frequency and believe that we can live a better life without it or their system. This is the choice taken by the few and why few get to write of post events. So, be the writer of our history together and choose for you and all you cherish. When to time comes when 'No man may buy nor sell less he bares the mark', it is time to decide as the lock will be turning so detach yourself as much as possible, bit by bit and get used to less so when you need to, you can take it as you see the future need for your truth and truths.

No more the deluded, and soon it will even be undeniable to those living in denial. But we would rather be wrong.
I still cannot believe it 100%, in our lifetimes.....

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