60MIN Full Body HIIT workout w/ WEIGHTS + MINI BAND (option NO EQUIPMENT)

1 year ago

DRIP by Louisette is a 60 minute full body cardio and strength workout program that you can incorporate into your weekly routine, either 1-2 times per week along with your other physical activities. It is geared to target the aerobic glycolytic and anaerobic glycolytic pathways, primarily to develop cardio and strength endurance within the participant overtime. The movements are a combination of the primary and secondary components of fitness, (i.e. functional training), to improve the individual's daily life.

The program is designed by certified fitness instructor Louisette St. Fort, and incorporates scientific recommendations, geared towards providing the participant with physiological changes right from the first workout. We also encourage you to use the movement options (progressions and regressions), which are normally provided within the workout to reduce intensity and to keep the participant safe.

Participants are encouraged to maintain an overall healthy lifestyle (a balanced diet, regular sleep and mental wellness), to increase the benefits associated with this program. This is called Optimal Wellness.

Thank you to Jen Lutz (Executive Producer) for being a regular participant during the live classes, and providing necessary feedback and support throughout the making of this project!

Dopamine Rush by Louisette (Music Video):

SPOTIFY - More music by Louisette St. Fort:

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