Macedonian Content Farmers Podcast, Episode 164: Wintertime for Zaev

1 year ago

The Americans finally put their golden boy Zoran Zaev on their poop-list, and the ambassador openly calls for him to be prosecuted. Meanwhile, two of his confidants are on trial - one of them not exactly carrying himself manly, even as he was more than happy to threaten political prisoners from the opposite side. Is this all happening because Zaev did not pay his dues, got tried to do business with a pro-Russian oligarch, or was he really planning to divide SDSM ahead of the elections? Jason Miko and Cvetin Chilimanov discuss the latest political drama in Macedonia on the new episode of the Macedonian Content Farmers show. Plus some culinary tips

Music by:

- Mizar (Pocesna strelba - Last salute)

With gratitude to Mark Steyn for giving us the idea for the podcast name

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