IMPENDING DISASTER: Mayday calls increased 386% since vaxx roll-out!!! | Captain Shane Murdock

1 year ago

Captain Shane Murdock ― who has 40 years’ experience as a pilot, has certificates in air accident investigation and has a masters degree in Human Factors ― has analyzed the mayday call (squawk 7700) statistics.

In 2018-2019 there were on average 29.1 mayday calls per month. Shortly before the vaxx mandate became active for pilots in November of 2021, the monthly mayday calls started to increase dramatically.

In 2022 there were on average 108.3 mayday call per month, which is an increase of 272% over the 2018-2019 average. The monthly average had increased to 141.6 during the first quarter of 2023, which is an increase of 386% over the 2018-2019 average.

Many pilots, including pilots that Shane Murdock personally knows, have significant and ongoing medical issues since their jabs. Most regulators tend to believe that pilots will self-report their injuries, but they are unlikely to because pilot unions who underwrite the loss of license insurance for professional pilots have already stated that they don’t cover injuries by experimental jabs.

Pilots realize that once the regulator knows about their injuries, they will lose their license and both their career and their income may be over. As a result, they continue to fly knowing that they are a ticking time bomb.


View the full interview here:

Shane Murdock’s full report: Impending Disaster in the Global Aviation Industry

Graph (slightly edited by me)

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