Keir Starmer’s Thatcher praise makes Labour the New Tories.

10 months ago

Keir Starmer's sickening praise of Margaret Thatcher is a show that the mask is off and the closet Tory has emerged.
Right, so Keir Starmer has come out praising Thatcher has he? Well what took you so long! You’re Tony Blair on steroids aren’t you! That’s what you called yourself isn’t it? Blair said he saw it as his duty to carry on where she left off, Thatcher herself said when asked what her greatest success was, her greatest achievement, she said Tony Blair, so if this sudden declaration of fondness on his part for the architect of the last 44 years of politics has taken you by surprise, it really ought not to have done. I dare say few will have been surprised by this, but clearly what it does mean is that he must feel he is absolutely certain he is on course for victory come the next general election, on course for a majority, to be bold enough to just say to the country, to admit it, that he’s the real Thatcherite now, with the Tories having gone too far right, but it should be telling anyone that wants the Tories out because they want change, that Labour absolutely isn’t that, with Starmer sending message after message out if you care to listen, that things absolutely will not change from the last 44 years of how this country has been wrecked, the wealth divide getting ever greater, the privatised services ruined, because under Starmer, by his own admission, and echoing the words of Theresa May, nothing will change under him and it doesn’t make anyone saying so a Tory enabler. Starmer is a Tory, if you’re going to vote for him, look in the mirror when you tell someone that.
Right, so Keir Starmer has admitted not so much to being the heir to Blair, but what that really means is the next generation of Thatcherite Labour leader after him, saying that Thatcher was worthy of praise because of the meaningful change that she enacted. Meaningful for who?
I’ve spoken of my earliest memories before, I was born during the Winter of Discontent near the end of 1978, All of my earliest years therefore, early memories, were growing up under Thatcher and seeing the effect of her meaningful change. It always stumps me seeing how people my age became Tories or younger, even having grown up in similar times, but of course, they predominantly didn’t come from a working class background. My dad the factory foreman, who like so many under Thatcher, lost his job because mass unemployment should be one of the most prevalent things attributed to Thatcher’s rule. My mother was a stay at home mum, my earliest memory, is switching the TV off and hiding behind the sofa, as the milkman had come for his money and we didn’t have it. I can remember doing that on multiple occasions. I can remember my mother subsisting on bread and milk. We were lucky though.

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