#497 Akademik Lomonosov Russian floating nuclear power station ($700 million)

1 year ago

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On 28 April 2018, it left St. Petersburg under tow for Murmansk, where it received nuclear fuel for the first time. On 17 May 2018, it arrived at Murmansk.[10] The Akademik Lomonosov power station was officially handed over to the Russian state nuclear power company on 4 July 2019.[11] The 5000 km (3100 mi) towing operation through the Arctic Ocean by icebreaker Dikson began on 23 August 2019.[12] On 9 September 2019, it arrived at its permanent location in the Chukotka district, the far eastern end of the Far East region.[13] It started operation on 19 December 2019.[14] On 22 May 2020 the plant has been fully commissioned, by that date it had delivered 47.3 GWh zero-emissions electric energy, covering 20% of demand in the region.[15] On 30 June 2020 it started to supply thermal power to Pevek.[16]

Initially, estimated costs were 6 billion rubles ($232 million),[4] whereas later calculations in 2015 summed up to 37 billion rubles ($700 million), including infrastructure reinforcements in Pevek




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