All Aboard! Trains, Trains and More Trains with Mark Fenbers!

9 months ago

Melvyn DeWitt talks about his experience taking the Honor Flight to D.C., September 2023. Mel DeWitt is a veteran of the Cold War Era and the Vietnam war. Mel was a jet engine mechanic in the Air Force and an Air Fram Mechanic in the Ohio Air National Guard.

Mel Dewitt and his “Honor Flight Guardian” Keri Wittekind will speak on their adventure they recently shared on “Honor Flight Tristate”. Keri is an Army Veteran who served 7 years.
Mark Fenbers has been fascinated by trains since he was 4!!…model trains, “backyard trains” (similar to the train at the Cincinnati Zoo), and the Cincinnati Dinner Train. His talk will weave the personal story of his life-long love affair with trains into a fascinating talk about trains, which have been both a life-long hobby and a business for him. He will talk about the intriguing worlds of model trains, backyard trains (mini railroads), and even the Cincinnati Dinner Train.

Mark built his first model train layout at 12. By 25 he had his own apartment, which included a layout in the living room. By 35 he had a layout in the basement of the home where he and his wife raised 5 boys. Over the next two decades he started selling model train sets online and joined three different model train clubs. He has been working part-time for the Cincinnati Dinner Train as a conductor, which he will also describe. And this passion all began for him as a 4-year-old watching trains operate at a small railyard at Glenway and Boudinot on the west side.

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