Eric Dubay: The Satanist are Erasing the Globe from our Vocabulary! [Dec 3, 2023]

1 year ago

Once you have done your due diligence in deeply researching both heliocentric and geocentric cosmologies, the idea that Earth is a globe, tilting, wobbling, and spinning with magical bendy oceans and upside-down people in Australia, soon becomes the most absurd and far-fetched concept...

You start to wonder how you could have ever believed it in the first place.

The main reasons are because everyone else around you unquestioningly believed it, and it was originally introduced to you around the same time you were being introduced to Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy.

Cartoons and imagination were your reality at the time, and imaginative cartoons like these Earth globes capture and captivate children’s minds.

As if under a stupefying spell, many adult-children steeped in confirmation bias, unwilling or unable to exercise true skepticism, remain forever duped by NASA’s Freemasonic charade...

Eric Dubay
197K subscribers
3,418 views Dec 3, 2023

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