My Girl Went Home With an Old Man | 2 Cheating Reddit Stories

1 year ago

Today, we have 2 stories from the world of Reddit. The first story is about a married couple who have decided to divorce, and while the wife wants to remain friends, the husband has other plans. In our second story, OP caught his partner cheating on him with an older man, but is refusing to release him from the rent agreement he has with her. If you want to know how these stories end, get yourself a coffee and grab a bowl of popcorn so we can get into it.

At Coffee and Popcorn, we cover all sorts of crazy relationship stories from Reddit. Hopefully, these Reddit stories can help others who may be going through a similar thing. Relationships can be super-difficult, and people experience all sorts of issues—some of the stories we come across on Reddit go beyond what we’d consider ridiculous, but in this big and event world, anything is possible. Whether you’re here to catch up on the latest cheating stories from Reddit or just looking for support, we’re happy to have you.


Time Stamps

0:00 | My Soon to Be Ex-wife Want to Be Friends
4:37 | My Girl Went Home With an Older Man

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