Who The Son Sets Free, is Free Indeed...

10 months ago

Who The Son Sets Free, is Free Indeed... Freedom and deliverance come in no other way or name than the Name of the One and Only Son of God, JESUS...

From the beginning when the serpent deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden by tricking her into believing that Father God was withholding and convincing her that she would be like God if she would eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge... From that moment of deception came handed down generations of mankind following false gods and reaching out for knowledge through deceptive the ways of divining spirits... False gods that establish themselves as the ways of increase, fertility, as well as hidden and secret knowledge... One simple act in a persons of seeking some knowledge of present or future invites and opens a doorway into divination that leads people into desiring more knowledge and different means to acquire it through varied forms of occult practices... Always seeking more and expanding into more darker ways of acquiring knowledge... Yet also as a part of acquiring this secret and hidden knowledge always opens doorways to tormenting and afflicting spirits as well... All in the deception of "live life as though will" as well to find the god within ones self...

Today there is such easy access to awaken and search out ones own god like status... One can even be deceived into believing that they can even absolve themselves from their own mistakes and sins... Yet all these ways only open more ways for tormenting and afflicting spirits to within and never reaching the god they are lead to believe they can become...

There is only One to the One True God over all creation and this is through His One and Only begotten Son, Jesus... There is only way to achieve the forgiveness of ones sins and short comings and this is through the Grace and Forgiveness of sins through the Name of Jesus... There is only one way to free and delivered from the deceiving tormenting and afflicting evil spirits and this found only in the Name of Jesus... Because, Who The Son sets free is Free indeed...

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